Friday, November 21, 2014

Highlights of the week for Oliver

This week we looked at Google Earth and made our own symbol to show where our classroom is.  This week our homework is to map our bedroom and/or another room.  I decided to map out our living room. 

And these are the jobs we learned about last week.  And my group was the farmers.

This is a display of our work in the hallway.

 This is me sharing my artifact which is a bunch of tiny Seahawks mini-figures.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Highlights of the week for Julia

This week we started a new kind of homework.  Now when we finish reading a book, we write down what we like or dislike about it.  This is the wall of our homework so everybody can look at it.

We learned to be a good community member.  We had different performances and my group was a farmer.  We were learning about different jobs in a community - a lot of our parents have jobs too.
I liked to perform for the class and I liked other groups performances too.

I liked this group.  They are clothes makers.  The did something different than a lot of groups.

This group didn't have time to practice but I think they did a great job.

This group was a cook.  I liked their dances.

They were workers.  I liked Luke's dance; I liked it because it kind of looked like he was building something 'cause he was stomping around.

In this picture, we are revision friends and a revision friend is someone who helps you work on your writing.

This is the whole worker group.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Highlights of the week for Atticus

I liked to look for the worms and the worm eggs but no one found worm eggs.  But everyone found a lot of worms and some were pregnant. 

It was fun to jump into the leaves but we had to rake them up first.  I really like to rake and I got a lot of leaves in the pile.  It was about 1 1/2 feet tall. 

I liked these plants because the one on the very right tasted sort of soury and sweet like a sour patch.  I have a gazillion of them that my sister loves.  The one in the back that has the orange and yellow flowers.  When the flowers dry up, the seeds come out of them and they can plant another bush.

I found a pregnant worm and it tried to get off my hand and it ended upside down in the hay and straw.  It crawled back out and I caught it again the picture above is when I caught it a second time.

I sat with Hiram behind this plant that has really really big leaves. And the tree in the background is really big and cool.

I really liked the Tilth garden because I've been there before and the carrots are really really good.  And the reading celebration was really fun 'cause I got to share my favorite book and we got to share it.  My other highlights of the year were the allergy assembly and PE, recess, art, and library.