Friday, December 15, 2017

Highlights of the week from William and Amishi

Bittu made some friends(Actually a lot)

                                                    Bittu and the 6 chickens
                                          Bittu watched the sounders they lost 2-0
                                                         Bittu is shocked what a triangle
kitty is a good modle i think she is gana'be a great modeler dont you

                                                kaya,ella,amara,briana and mojo      oh and ellas funny face
                                                                               our fate cards
                                                                      more fates
                                                         kitty stairing at someones scolpter

puri holding bittu and amoses legs and maulikalost jumping or something or he is just standing up

The class finished BBBBBBBLLLLLLLOOOOOODDDDDDD On The River !!!!!
Bittu and Kitty Listened to the book too
Our epilouge for our diary entries

                                               our storys to write for homework for break
                                                        our votes for celebration options
     so we got thees little bag things and we get them for the homework passsssss☺

                                                                 William getting started for his homework

                                                        Bittu typing
                                                               my wierd face with kitty
                            kitty learning how to type with kitty i think she liked it ??
                                                                         puri with bittu
                                                        bittu about to draw and my weird face again
                                                             Gianna drawing for the prizes
                                                       Bittu drawing
                                                        PE class and Bittu is in it
                                                       Bridges For stem Funzzzzzy
                                             amishi and crystal with kitty and kitty is holdoing one or two plungers haha
                                                          More Bridges 
                                                              More bridges again

video of testing structural integrity of bridge...

Friday, December 8, 2017

Highlights of the week from Brianna and Kina

                                         Bittu at my house. "SUP BITTU"

                                      Gianna, Kaya and Amos presenting something to what
                                       what looks like Amara and Ella's head
                                        Again Ella's head and half of Amara's body
                                         questions on the white board about blood on the river.
                                        A creation made with plastic and magnets made by Luke.
                                        Amara and bittu.
                                            crystal working hard and Kitty at the beach
                                          kaya reading the blog and look at my head!
                                              Gianna, Luke, Amos, Lacie, Maulik, and Puri looking at the white board.
                                            Biranna, Kaya, Bixby, Gianna, Maulik, Lacie, Amos, Mojo, Theo and kitty working.

                                                Kina and Bittu

                                                   Mojo, Theo, Lacie, Ella, Crystal, William
Theo working on his diary (Kareem Hunter)
everyone writing in their diary...

William playing the piano during lunch... GOOOOOOO WILLIAM!

Blood on the river notes

Diary Entry 5

Gooo writers

hi Bittu


Brianna, Ella, Theo, crystal, and Sam and Bittu as the supervisor

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cheese again!
