Friday, September 20, 2024

Highlights of the week for Violet and Wesley


our class practices

how we want to feel in the classroom

us doing our revers homework

wonder doing their homework

wonder sipping some water quietly 

cool bob wearing headphones

bob doing an identity hand with us 

working on our identity hands

our identity hands are almost finished 

what we are agreeing to follow by 
adding our signature 

now we are finished with our zentanguls
on our identity hands

on our finishing touches of our identity

coloring our identity hands

bob and wonder's journals for the teddy 
bear exchange

us working on our project in art class

free drawing in art class 

wonder working as a team with their table

what we agreed to do in our small groups 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Highlights of the week for Joaquin G. and Joaquin M.


Our classmates writing " The help the Teacher get to know you survey"

People working quietly at the Reflection Space

Students during independent

Classmates writing & reading at the 
macaroni table

Somebody writing in their journal

Our class making identity hands

our class making identity hands

Our class making identity hands

Our class making identity hands

Our class making identity hands

Our class making identity hands

Our class making identity hands

The meaning of equity

The meaning of equality

Poster of equality equity

One of are class formats

Bob is the name of the black bear stuffy were 
sending to Israel!

Wonder is the name of the wolf stuffy were 
sending to France

Our classmates & Bob reading books

New play "I'll Be Your Superhero" development team

Johamy Morales, SCT Associate Artistic Director, facilitating a student feedback session

Playwright Jose Casa listening to the feedback session

Programs Manager Briana Casa leading the second student feedback session

Script reading of "I'll Be Your Superhero"