Thursday, October 24, 2024

Highlights of the week for Andrew and Annie


Andrew at his piano Halloween class

Katty playing the piano
                                                                            Andrew and katty eating bananas 
                                                                                     Andrew and Katty 
                                                                                     at Spirit Halloween
                                                           Katty +Andrew at the animatronic section
                                           Milo doing stuff on his computer
                                              Us doing hyperbole poems

                                        us learning about simile poems
Learning how to make a discussion 
4th Graders in discussion groups starting discussions

                                                      Golden doing poetry for the poetry slam

Hazel and Joaquin pouring marbles for our class party

Katty came with all of her belongings  

Box opening for Katty the Cat from France

                                               4th graders running at recess 
Hazel and Kindra are stuck together

The history of Washington  

The groups for the presentation  

Nila reading the class blog

                                               Ideas for our next celebration 
the poetry table doing their research

the Mwindo group writing about pros and cons

we're doing uniform topics

Goodnight Moon writing about our school time start

Ms. Kathleen teaching us about pros and cons 

Us learning about metaphors, personification, and allusions

Andrew showing his notebook and wood block print

Kayla, Olivia, Katty

Olivia showing her group the problem solving poster

we are researching things for our presentation  
science fiction and fantasy doing fur trades I
we are in the reflection space

Katty in the bin 

The votes for our celebration i wonder who won

staring at the wall💀

Our Food Detectives attending their briefing

Nila doing a peace symbol with gatorade in her hand

The special K group 

Hana's suitcase group 

Dick Whittington group

The cat in the hat group

Mwindo group  

The tools we will use for our presentations 

Violet reading her poem during Poetry Slam

Friday, October 18, 2024

Highlights of the week for Nila and Olivia


Us doing poetry 

Us doing poetry again 

and again 😏

And again!!!!!!

Scottie visited our classroom!

Curriculum Night with Families sitting in our chairs

Wonder arriving in France 

opening Wonders box🐺

saying hi too Wonder😎

learning about ancient Edo

Music class♫🎶

doing home work 

Us doing home work

and again!!!!!!

us doing poetry

one of our classmates with his glasses upside down

Golden doing poetry

us doing poetry 

us doing poetry

book groups 

us doing book groups again

and again!!

and for the last time us doing book clubs📖