A Historical Tour of Boston


One of the oldest tavern in Boston.  Perhaps the revolutionaries made plans here...

Modern day customers at the Warren Tavern.

The mast of the US Constitution, one of the first battle ships of the new country

US Constitution canon...wonder if it was used in the American Revolutionary War?  

Steep stairs up to deck

Plaque with all the captions who headed this ship...it is STILL commissioned (considered in active use).

Sailors sleep in hammocks all bunched together

Lower deck

They cook in here...

The officers' mess hall (where they eat)

An officer's room with a hammock bed

Officers get a door and privacy

access to the next level of lower deck

Sideboard (where they place food) for the officers' dining room

More hammocks for the non commissioned sailors

Captain's quarters

mechanism for the steering wheel

Sailors drink grog every day

Steps going up and down the ship

Side view of cannon

cannon ball

QR code for a Youtube video showing how a cannon is loaded

Ship's stove

Stairs to lower deck

Steering wheel

model of USS Constitution

State House - site of the Boston Massacre

Sam Adam's grave site

Boston Harbor where the Boston Tea Party took place, also the museum

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