Sunday, December 9, 2012

Highlights of the Week and Thoughts

The highlights of this week are gym, watching Kiki's Delivery Service, Audrey's Birthday.  We will also make scarves in Keiko Sensei's class.  We also enjoyed social studies.  We also wrote realistic fiction.  We also made a cool bag.  Yesterday, we had our marble jar party in Keiko Sensei's classroom and got to eat popcorn - two whole bowls of it with butter!

Lastly, we finished our studies of the Han Dynasty by looking at the Silk Road - a trade route that started in the peace of the Han Dynasty.  We studied goods traded in and out of China.

Last week, we finished up the Qin Dynasty Mural.


  1. Wonderful!!! Great work Kids!!!!!!

    1. Aspen - Thank you.
      Halle - It wasn't easy!
      Dino - Very cool!

  2. That is a lot of learning about China. nice work everyone.

    1. Halle - Thank You. I had fun learning about China.
