Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ian's Highlights of the Week

The highlights of my week was going to see Pippi Longstocking, going to our friends' cabin. and art.  My favorite part in Pippi Longstocking was the coffee party when the social worker sat on the whoppee cushion.  I also liked when Pippi's dad came back into her life.  

Every year, the water line breaks at our friends' cabin so we have to fix it.  Also at our friends' cabin, we shoot a lot of arrows.  We also fish and sometimes we get to eat the fish there.  Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.  

In art, I just finished my best and final grid.  We are writing persuasive letters to our pen pals.  My pen pal George is pretty hard to persuade.  My small group is also trying to persuade the Technology Department let us use a typing program on their website.


  1. Aspen - Yeah. The whoppee cushion part was pretty funny.
    Halle - I like the whoppee cushion part too.
    Anna - I finished my grid.
    Karthik - Especially when the lady farted again for real, it was really funny.
    Josiah - same as Karthik.
    Dino - Do you like the theatre?
    Zoe - The fish sounds yummy that you catch.
    Audrey - Arrows? No way!
    Thea - Prissy Prissy Prue, you are going to get into big trouble.
    Zara - I wonder if she farted on the way out if it was part of the play.
    Isabella - I also like when the father returned.

  2. Let's hope for some big fish Ian!
    It sounds like a rather noisy time at Pippi, but that everyone enjoyed it.
    --Carolyn, Ian's mom

  3. Sounds like you had a fun week! Where is your friend's cabin located?

  4. I also liked the part when Prissy Prissy Prue sat on the whoopee cushion!
    Ian did you hit the arrow into the center of the target?
    Also, did you catch a big fish?

  5. That was me Henry. Its also my birthday today!

  6. I'm happy to hear you all enjoyed Pippi Longstocking - it's such a great story and I think seeing it in a play would be really wonderful.

  7. That's nice Chippy. Can you soon send me a comment on my blog? (see
    -- Tim Landay
