Thursday, February 27, 2014

Highlights of the week for Zara

This week we started typing and it was really fun because there was a lot of games on the typing program.  Also today we have art and we are doing spelling tests.  Also Carys is peeking at the blog.  We are doing Scholastic News worksheets; they are hard.  And today we are doing a writing workshop.  We've been learning different strategies of planning and I'm doing soccer.  Felix is also doing soccer.  I have swimming class today.  The end.


  1. Zoe - Nice blog. Typing was so much fun.
    Isabel - I really love how you added the typing program.
    Carys - Nice blog, Zara. Sorry I was only peeking at your picture.
    Felix - I'm not copying you. Same as Halle.
    Josiah - same as Isabel.
    Ian - I'm writing about Seattle.
    Audrey - In non fiction writing, I'm writing about Green Cheeks Conures.
    Aspen - I downloaded the Type To Learn program and there's 3 lessons and I am on assess 1.
    Halle - I'm going to download Type To Learn too. And same as Ian.
    Anna - I already downloaded Type to Learn but I haven't started it.

  2. Zara- Hi! I downloaded Type To Learn and it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
