Friday, October 23, 2015

#Highlights of the week for Griffin

                                                   sorting out three out of the sixteen boxes.
                                                         hot tubbing
this week was very long. we did a lot of different things. A LOT OF DIFFERENT THINGS! We added the finishing touches to our wonder balls, had our writing celebration, filled the marble jar, decided to have a movie, hung our wonder balls, and did our part with the  MASSIVE book order. in my opinion i think this week was extremely busy.                                                                                    
  remember this one?                        deutsch kampflied timmys
Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles in der welt. was?BOOM! ich brauche einen kranken wagen!


  1. Emma - I really want to know what that poem means.
    Abby - I agree that making wonderballs was really fun. I also like Griffin's poem even though he didn't tell us what it means yet.
    Mara - I agree with Emma. I really want to know what that poem meant.
    Marshall - We had a very busy week and it was a lot of work and it was really fun.
    Tomas - I loved this week because it was busy and we did almost everything.
    William - I liked Griffin's post. I really, really want to find out what the poem meant. I want to know if it really is....
    Joaquin - I felt very satisfied with this week; I got everything done that I wanted to.
    Lijah - Um. I enjoyed this week because it was very busy and I agree with William and I enjoyed Griffin's post but I wish I knew what the poem meant.
    Charlotte - Although I didn't do as I wanted I still am pleased with my Wonderball. And I still wish I knew what Griffin's poem meant because it is annoying not to know it.
    George - I think an uber alles is a kraken that went boom in deutschland.
    Griffin - the poem meant timmy's German fight song;Germany, Germany, above all , above all in the world. what? BOOM! i need an ambulance.
