This photo is from Wednesday our class made wonderballs and gave them to our first grade buddies!
We all thanked the chaperones that went to Islandwood with us last week by making some cards here are some that went inside of a few of the cards ( the word part of them)
Everyone made a card to give to they're chaperone
These are some of the card examples we made to thank them!
Each card needed to have at least one cut out on the front,
just to make it more fun!
On Thursday we had the global reading challenge here is one of the groups that represented our class!
In art class we sculpted and painted houses here is Amber's there are still many more!
Behind George is me I sprained my ankle at a soccer game but I'll be fine!
Camille's sculpture!
Here are a few more of the interesting houses we made at art class!
Ben - This was the best week because midwinter break. And then I had the best sculpture.
ReplyDeleteCharlotte - Not. I had a lot of fun making the cards for our chaperons.
Bella - It was fun making the sculptures. I made a pillow house.
Amber - I don't know what happened this week because I was not here. But I had fun making sculptures.
Tomas - Nice post, Abby and I liked my sculpture a lot. It was a green snowman. It was sick.
Emma - Making the cards were really fun. And I really liked the banana mobile, the sculpture I made.
George - Go random skiing chubby horse-cat- bunnies.
Griffin - I wasn't here.
Marshall - Last week was really fun because we had no school and I got my homework done.
William - Unfortunately, I was not here last week but it sounds like it was fun for people who were here.
Lucas - My house was on stilts.
Abby - The sculptures were fun to make and last week fun the days we were here.