Thursday, September 6, 2018

Highlights of the week from Ms. Kathleen

To introduce myself, here is a little bit about my family...

This is my family - my son Zachary, my husband Steve, and my dog Bruno.

This is Bruno's library.  He likes to read a lot.

This is Bruno's throne.  He likes to rest here during the day.

Bruno likes to sleep on our bed during the night.

Sometimes Bruno gets tired of his throne and he rests on our other sofa.

We had a great first few days of class!

We have a classroom library with lots of books.

Organized by levels and genres!

We had to transition 3rd and 4th grade at the same time which made it kinda complicated...

Our work goes into workbins.

We had a scavenger hunt where we looked for stuff all over the classroom.  We have atlases!

We modeled quiet work time and silent work time.

We checked out and read books.

We decorated folders for displaying our writing.

This class is very strong in taking care of our tools. We will take care of our library and here is a video about how to responsibly use our classroom library.  📚

 (Videographer - Maggie Shernoff, Friend - Lou Shernoff, Ms. Kathleen - Ms. Kathleen)


  1. Syriana - What kind of dog is Bruno?
    Lucy - I really liked the post of your dog and I liked the first few days of school.
    Eliana- I liked the whole entire thing.
    Elliot - I liked that you put details in it and added video.
    Violet - YOu treat your dog really good and how old is Bruno?
    Olivia - How old is Bruno?
