Imogen, Hana, Emma, and Audrey working on poems.
Jasper, Max, Laird, and Alex also working on poems!
Jane also working on poems!!
5th Poetry writing session.
Choosing who to hold the door.
Clara B, Zuzu, Sloane, Imogen, and Audrey sharing facts about the text/Scholastic News.
Dothan, Reid, Ketra, and Hana Sharing facts about the text/Scholastic News.
Saying what we did well and what we need to improve on.
Eloise, Ziva, Geneva, and Colin doing writing stuff.
Makoto, Adrian, and Ray doing talking stuff.
What we did well and what to improve.
Ziva, Geneva, Jack, Adrian writing poems about stuff.
Theo, Max D, Eloise, and Ziva also writing P.O.V poems.
Jace, and Makoto also writing poems.😎
Pearl also working on poems.
Too many poems!!!!
Colin reading his poem to the class.😶😮
Sharing more poems. Uh, poems, poems🙄
sharing even more poems!
5th grade celebration😎
5th grade celebration😎!
5th grade celebration😎!!
5th grade celebration😎!!!
5th grade celebration😎!!!!
5th grade celebration😎!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNaia - The celebration was 6 posts long
Dothan - It was a fun celebration
Imogen - That's a lot of celebrations
Enslie - Your welcome for the cupcakes
Makoto - Sup!
ReplyDeleteKoji- Sup !!!
Max. D- I am good at drums.
Amelia- School is the best!
Freya- The school is best!
Colin- Sup!!!!!!!!!!!
Ziva- I like blogging a lot!!!!!! I also like school!!
Max. s