Thursday, May 9, 2024

Highlights of the week for Victoria, Miles, and Max DeGuzman


Tank and i at a Bookmobile!!!!!

Tank and i with a baby corgi


tank and i getting carried by my team (ps. they dropped me)

Me being sus doing homework with tank THE PENCIL IS TOO BIG FOR TANKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my cat smelling tank?

he doesnt like photos, ps his name is benny

Tank and i playing the piano super shimmy shimmy

tank and i at softball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

American Revolution Room - 305

More famous quotes
Say Cheese
Bin of win winners
4th Bin of Wins

Rectangle time
More rectangle time
                                                                        4th bin of wins! 
                                                                   People picking prizes!
Bin of wins winners! suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Olive, Geneva and Max.S picking out their prizes!

bin of wins!

Class persuasive arguments for 5 or 6 tables


                                                              me being  too cool.

The meeting from Taiwan's side
Money Republic
Golden Otters
Water Arrow
Total Wealth
5th Grade colonies sharing out wealth accumulated

4th Colonies sharing out wealth acquired


theo sad, miles happy!

what is Max doing?

CHATTYBOTS, get it/ likw chatbots? WHATEVERR. and what am i doing in the backround?
4th Grade colonies trading

why do i look like a worm and i have no arms, and adrian looked like he pooped his pants.


calculating stuff

Emma, Jace, and colin doing stuff.

Naia holding prompts for epilogue in our diaries
Liam and Dothan doing Mcdonald Mile
Writing the epilogue with Ms. Kathleen's 5th grade
Sharing is caring

Field Trips

Diary Entries

5th grade celebration ideas

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