Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Highlights of the week from Joaquin GH and Andrew


Katty may or may not be helping joaquin "cheat"
(Katty has 999999 IQ)

mouse king must be carfull not to be eaten

Katty will lead the way
cats have a good sence of smell

Katty andmaring the skinny cristmas tree💀

us playing the" save the world game!"

the poster of how to save the world



whyyyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
( i didint sign up 4 this)

"no comment"

doble no comment

all of them

all the posters for the world unit

we are eating lunch in  the classroom today!

# a cat is eating my lunch!

it looks like bro is eating jalopino sandwitch
and Nila approves

someone tell me is joaquin eating a potato

##possest Kaylaaa

why is there a dead dog on the floor

us wachting cocomelon from ohio skibidi

carfull the creeper is going to blow!
(3 secs later)noooooooooooooo our house is destriod

the dog is back for revenge!?
dont worry he eat the chocolet cokoi

kindra and Ella whatching salish

#I got a new pet dragon

#about to be eaten by a lion

wait this agian?!

what we choose for topic writing (5th grade lev)

the 4th grade versin

our presentation groups
we will present soon

we finished the writing process!

the back wall agian! (after the woodblocks r gone)

the fur trade 
Science Fiction team presented the lesson about the Fur Trade in Washington State's history

the scinece fiction and fantesy practicing
       there presentation

Aiden doing his poem "everything is beauteful"

now its Kindra doing the poem!

Audrey's poem was amazing

party idias another we just had one 
(we relly need to make it harderto get parties)

fur trades one part one
(our first presenters)

fur trades one part two ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh
(in coolad man vioce)

1 comment:

  1. Audrey i hope katty had a fun time at joaquuins
    Tovan have a marry rizzmas
    Charlie #awsome blog
    Katty meow meow meow(she had a great time at joaquins house)
    Aiden Joaquin must have had a great adventure in the forest with katty
    Axton #Joaquin has awsome tree
    Golden have a happy holidays
    Annie is the rat king ok?
