Friday, October 3, 2014

Highlights of the week for Lily

We had lots of fun doing our growth mindset with Mr. Posner, our substitute teacher.  We found out our reading levels for reading workshop.  I love my new books!  We got into our new small reading groups; I like my group mates and we got our reading group book.  My book is called The Case of the Mummy Mystery.  We learned to read with expression and lots of strategies for reading.  We wrote small moments for writing.  I wrote about my birthday.

We had an allergy assembly.  I love the assembly, the songs were really fun.  The singer had puppets too.  They were funny songs.


  1. Luke - My highlights of the week were library, PE, and the special allergy assembly.
    Hugh - My highlights of the week library, PE, recess and art.
    Matthew - My highlights of the week were PE, library, special allergies assembly, and recess, and art.
    Elsa - My highlights of the week were PE because I enjoyed jump ropes. And art because it was fun. Recess because we played lots of fun games. And library.
    Lauren - My highlights of the week were the assembly because there were puppets and we sang songs. I also liked PE because we played games. I also liked art because we drew.
    Jules - I really like the assembly because of the songs and puppets.
    Hiram - Same as Jules.

  2. Django - My highlights of the week were PE because we played game and Art because we draw stuff.
    Theo - I liked this week because we played fun stuff out at recess and Reader's Workshop has been long and fun.
    Julia - I liked this week because on the playground we have new jump ropes and I liked our Allergies assembly because I liked that there were puppets.
    Sebastian - My highlights of the week were PE and the assembly. I liked the assembly because they played my favorite song - Happy.
    Isabel - My highlights of the week were PE and the allergies assembly. I really liked that they played Frozen.
    Atticus - My highlights of the week were PE, recess, allergies assembly because they played my favorite song, and I also liked the puppets, and I really liked art because we did some really cool drawings.
    Cannon - My highlights of the week PE, Art, and recess. Because they were my favorites.
    Kai - My highlights of the week were PE because we did fun stuff. And art because I like drawing stuff. And the assembly because I liked the puppets and the songs we sang.
    Kina - My highlights of the week were PE, art and assembly because I liked when they were talking with the CD.
