Friday, June 6, 2014

Highlights of the week for Josiah

This Monday we got to do a presentation in front of the school and my group did courage.  It was fun.  
Today we are going to do gym.  And there is only two weeks til summer!  I'm really excited because I get to go to basketball camp and we get to go to South Dakota.  Usually, I get a tour of the zoo and the zoo keeper lets me hold some of the animals.  The year before last, I got to hold a lemur and feed it fruit snacks.  I also got to hold a baby hedgehog and a goat.


  1. Charlie - You are so lucky you get to hold animals.
    Josiah - I know.
    Zoe - Did the lemur like the fruit snacks? I like fruit snacks and I have them in my lunch. My nanny, she has two snakes, a hedgehog, and a baby shark.
    Audrey - Was the zoo in South Dakota or here in Seattle?
    Ian - My neighbor has a hedgehog and his name is Isis. Is South Dakota near Yellowstone.
    Thea - Same as Charlie. Was the lemur soft?
    Aspen - How heavy was the goat?
    Halle - Awesome post, Josiah. The presentation on Monday was really fun.
    Anna - I like hedgehogs.
    Zara - I like hedgehogs too and good post.
    Matthew - You are so lucky you get to hold the animals. I wish I could do it too. And, nice post.
    Dino - same as Matthew.
    Henry - I tried to ride a goat and I fell off.
    Karthik - I got to hold baby goat and it kept kicking me.
    Felix - I've seen a baby koala.
    Isabel - My friend lives right next to goats and one keeps on trying to chew my shirt. Also, I loooove hedgehogs.
    Josiah - In answer to Audrey's question, it was in South Dakota. The lemur liked the fruit snacks. The lemurs were soft and the heaviest goat was about 40 pounds.
    Carys - You are so lucky that you got to hold so many animals. When I get older, I'm going to work in a reptile house.
    Josiah - I do not think that the zoo is near Yellowstone.

  2. Were you nervous when you presented at the assembly on Monday?

  3. hihihihihihihihihhi
    from josiah

  4. Josiah, this is your dad. Great post. It's cool that you got to do a presentation on courage. I think you are courageous. And, aren't you so thankful for your grandparents? They love to do special things with you like set up zoo tours.

  5. hi hi hi hiya wasup?second day of summer vacation and all is...
    super, awesome,fun, cool,epic,best.time.ever! iiiiiiiiiii am in chelan (manson),7:37 and about to go fishing.
    from CARYS:D
