Monday, December 1, 2014

Highlights of the week for Luke

We made tons of building in art.  It is called City by Design.  We crafted tons of buildings.  We made a model city or town.  I made a department store. 

I liked Hugh and Caleb's waterslide.  I liked the diving board and the public swimming pool that Jules made.  And the diving board makes you hit the roof.  By hit the roof, I mean the diving board was so close to the roof that you landed on the roof.

To prepare for the assembly we are hosting next week, we made a sign that said "What is Global Warming?"  We were going to do a presentation about environment and what can we do to make our world better and more.  And we will learn how to do this in the next few months.  We will learn about his with Ms. Bixman's class and Ms. Vandermeulen's class and a class from Mexico and a class from Arizona.


  1. Elsa - I agree with Luke.
    Jules - I liked the buildings too. I think the diving board is funny too.
    Caleb - I agree with Luke.
    Kai - I guess I agree with Luke because I liked building the buildings and making the posts.
    Theo - I agree with Luke.
    Lily - I liked making buildings too and I made some sort of mall.
    Atticus - I agree with Luke because I like making the buildings too. I made a little music store with a stage. There is a mini-jail inside the store to catch robbers and there is a bunch of ways to get stuck in it.
    Hiram - I made a jail too.
    Oliver - Hi Luke. Great post! I really liked your department store.

  2. Kina - My highlights of the week were PE, music, art, and I also liked making our poster for the assembly.
    Lauren - My highlights of the week were PE, art, music and library.
    Cannon - I agree with Luke because I also like making the buildings.
    Sebastian - I agree with Luke but I have a few other things. I liked PE, art, and posters for the assembly.
    Julia - I agree with Luke because I liked the posters we made for the assembly too. And I liked music, art, and PE.
    Hugh - My highlights of the year are PE, library, and music. I also liked art, allergy assembly, and posters.
    Luke - I want to add to my post that I liked recess and PE.
    Twyla - I agree with Luke because I liked building the buildings.
