Friday, May 17, 2019

Highlights of the week for Adam

Chocolate wanted to eat my sister's macaroon.

 Waiting for my dad after him being on his trip.

Right before the hit-a-thon in baseball.  I got 180 yards.

Right after my football game.
Chocolate helped me with my homework.

More eukelele playing, but with Chocolate enjoying the music.

The Be Inclusive posters to be posted all through the school.

Working on our hooks in our groups for the different North American tribes.

Examples of hooks.
Organization and elaboration for our information writing.

 Sylvia reading ..You Don't Want a Unicorn.

Tuesday- where we are in our information writing progress.

1 comment:

  1. Lucas - me likey your postie

    Adam - good post, me

    James - I want to be blogger soon

    Mac - I really want to be blogger at some point soon.

    Zeven - AHHHHHH DAAAHHHHH UHHHM, I really liked your post
