Thursday, February 7, 2013

Zoe's Highlights of the week

The highlights of my week is doing Jack and the Beanstalk and practicing Kung Ming. Also, we did gym, art and library.  I enjoyed doing Readers' Theatre - Jack and the Beanstalk with my group.  I was excited and nervous at the same time.  I am looking forward doing Kung Ming play; I'm also nervous about that.  I'm also nervous because we are doing Jack and the Beanstalk in front of the kindergarteners tomorrow.  Today we are making empathy posters and we are going to present them at the morning assembly Monday. 


  1. Zara - I can't wait for the assembly on Monady.

    Matthew - I'm scared to do plays for the kindergarteners too.

    Halle - I'm nervous to perform in front of the kindegarteners and Ms. Braxton's class for the Kung Ming play.

    Karthik - I feel silly.

    Josiah - Hi

    Carys - I'm very excited to do the Kung Ming play and I'm also excited to read to the kindergarteners.

    Audrey - I can't believe we are doing the play today!

    Aspen - We are really excited that we are doing readers' theater to the kindergarteners.

    Thea - How are you doing, Zoe?

  2. No need to be nervous Zoe! I'm sure you are gong to do the best job ever! I'm so proud of you! You are doing a great job and keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Zoe, I am looking forward to seeing the empathy posters the class has made. I hope the school enjoys seeing them during your presentation at the Monday morning assembly.
    From Carol, Charlie's Mom
