Friday, October 25, 2013

Isabel's Highlights of the Week

My highlights of the week was going to the Tilth Garden and trying the silver shield sorrel. In the picture, we are listening to our teacher talking about the plants.

Today is Friday, and for our entry task, we filled out a cursive worksheet. After school, I have a watercolor class.

1 comment:

  1. Audrey - I really wanna ask my parents if I can get a silver shield sorrel

    Aspen - I sort of like the silver shield sorrel, too. It was kind of sour.

    Halle - Whatever you do, don't taste the spicy leaves. They will give you a bad reaction.

    Anna - I'm going to art class, too.

    Carys - I really, really like the silver shield sorrel, too. It was my favorite.

    Ian - I really like the Hawaiian pineapple plant where you get to squeeze out the nectar.

    Stella - My favorite plant to taste was the licorice one.

    Thea - I really liked the silver shield sorrel and the black licorice plant was pretty good, too. I picked up a pregnant worm.

    Zoe - The watercolor class sounds cool.

    Karthik - I really liked the silver sorrel and I was using it like an umbrella. I would say it was not that good. It's just a leaf. Why is everyone screaming about it?

    Josiah - Same as Audrey

    Dino - I liked picking the worm. I also didn't like the silver shield sorrel. It was too sour and I don't like sour.

    Charlie - I didn't really like the silver shield sorrel.

    Felix - I liked the... Forget it.
